Rep. Tim Burchett Slams COVID Stimulus, Demands Veto


A Tennessee Congressman is taking a stand against this week’s COVID-19 stimulus package passed by Congress.

“We need to quit funding foreign countries,” Rep. Tim Burchett (R-TN-02) told The Tennessee Star by email. “Americans are struggling right now, I don’t know what the magic number is for direct payment but I know the amount needs to be more than $600.”

Burchett voted against the bill, and has been railing against it since early this week.

“Coronavirus relief for small businesses and working families is desperately needed, but it isn’t going to happen when only a few Washington politicians like Nancy Pelosi get a seat at the negotiating table,” Burchett said in a Monday press release. “We are sent here to represent our communities, but like so many other representatives, I was never given the opportunity to speak on behalf of East Tennesseans. It’s a disgrace Speaker Pelosi used her coronavirus package to con House members into voting for her progressive government funding bills.”

On social media, Burchett’s criticism of the bill was more pointed. He slammed Congress for voting to spend hundreds of millions of dollars overseas while Americans struggle.

“I am calling on President Trump to veto the COVIDbus,” he said in a Wednesday Facebook post. “Struggling families and small businesses get pennies while billions of American taxpayer dollars are sent overseas. Congress needs to get back to Washington and make this right, even if we have to work through Christmas.”

On Twitter, he also asked President Donald J. Trump to veto the bill.

“Veto this horrible bill [President Trump],” he said. “Call us back! Make us work thru Christmas if needed. Americans are suffering.”

He also slammed House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA-12).

After passing the bill, Pelosi and the rest of Congress drew criticism for what was viewed by many as a paltry $600 in direct payments to Americans, many of whom have lost their jobs due to the government’s forced lockdowns over the past several months.

When Trump demanded $2000 for every American and $4000 for couples Tuesday night, Pelosi changed her tune. She said House Democrats would attempt to pass a measure by unanimous consent Wednesday, upping the direct payments to $2000.

That move was too little, too late for Burchett.

“They are the majority,” Burchett said. “They could have already done this. They got caught with their hand in the cookie jar.”

Many, including Burchett, noted that the bill provided billions for foreign interests, much more than what was afforded to the American people.

“Americans get penny’s [sic] while our Oligarch gives our billions to foreign interests,” he said on Twitter.

Trump’s son Eric took to Twitter too, posting a graphic with a breakdown of some of the spending in the bill that was not aimed at relief ordinary Americans:


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Pete D’Abrosca is a contributor at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Follow Pete on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected]







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6 Thoughts to “Rep. Tim Burchett Slams COVID Stimulus, Demands Veto”

  1. Roy Branch

    I agree with Mr. Burchett 100%. We should not be sending our tax money overseas while so many Americans are now struggling and can’t even put food on their table. Go Tim!

  2. Tim Tim Pyron

    Finally….Patriots standing up…Thank you!

  3. William Delzell

    I certainly don’t want that money going to foreign countries, particularly to Saudi Arabia and Israel that mooch off the U.S. taxpayer. I do want, however, at least $2,000.00 instead of a paltry $600.00 per individual Americans to help them through the hardships of the pandemic.

  4. 83ragtop50

    My kind of representative. Along with John Rose who is my actual Representative. Trying to buy me off with a dribble of my own tax money takes a lot nerve. Especially considering the outrageous waste in D.C.

  5. Julie

    You need to get used to seeing our money sent overseas. For there to be a one world government model America has to be bankrupt. We cannot be a wealthy country, all countries have to be equally poor. China would also like to bankrupt us so they can become the lone superpower and have their currency as the worlds reserve currency. They have been buying off and blackmailing Americans in key political positions left and right. But don’t worry, your representatives at the federal and local levels (GA is a great example) are becoming rich by allowing this to happen. And we may have the Biden crime family in the WH. President Trump needs as many people in Washington on Jan. 6th so we can show support and peacefully protest. They are organizing at the link below, you can search your city at the top of the page and see people in your area who are planning to go.

  6. $35.2 billion to so-called ‘clean energy’ projects. The $600 checks are ‘shut up’ money.”

    I am guessing there is more going to non covid-19 things, like the $25 million dollars to the Kennedy center and $200 million to PBS. And millions and millions to school systems, but the schools have been shutdown for months, they should have less expenses than usual, they don’t need that money now.
